
Activity Bus Transportation


Morning activity bus transportation is available for students participating in performing arts.  This route begins at 6:40 a.m.


In an effort to provide all students with an equitable opportunity to participate in afterschool activities/clubs, afternoon activity bus transportation is offered to students.  The route schedules are as follows:

         Depart School at:
Monday: 4 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
Tuesday: 4 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
Wednesday: 4 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
Thursday: 4 p.m. 4:45 p.m.



Boys Basketball –  Mr. Fahey (7th), Mr. Peterson (8th)
Girls Basketball-  Mrs. Cosma (7th), Mrs. McGann(8th)
Cross Country-  Mrs. Share, Mrs. McGann
Poms- Ms. Koufis. Ms. Papa
Track and Field- Mr. Peterson, Mr. Vladislav, Mrs.Cosma, Mr. Share
Girls Volleyball- Mrs. Schwartz (7th) , Ms. Picciola (8th)
Wrestling- Mr. Fahey, Mr. Mandragon

Boys Volleyball – Mr. Fahey, Mr. Carvajal


Art Club- Sponsor: Mr. Hamann
Peer Leaders-   Mrs. Greenspan, Ms. Papa
Yearbook Club-  Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Scholl
Media Club- Mrs. Greenspan

Board Game Club- Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Share

Intramurals- Mr. Carvajal

Cooking Club- Mr. Massarsky

Soccer Club- Mr. Kating

University Club- Mrs. Konopacki

Chess Club- Mr. Baker

Engineering Club- Mr. Baker

Robotics Club- Mr. Baker


Performing Groups

Bands– Mr. Budrow ,Mr. Guthrie
Choral Groups-  Mrs. Konopacki
Orchestras- Mr. Chaudry

Stage Performance

Drama Club- Mrs. Tunquist
Musical -Mrs. Tunquist, Ms. Weiss, Mrs. Konopacki
Variety Show-  Mrs. Tunquist, Ms. Weiss